Having the right auto insurance protects you, your passengers, your assets, your car, and other drivers and passengers. Liability insurance is the most common form of mandatory coverage, but there are optional coverages that are definitely worth having. One often overlooked but extremely important coverage you should consider is underinsured motor vehicle coverage. This provides for recovery of injuries caused by motorists who do not have enough bodily injury liability coverage.
Renters insurance protects your stuff, you, your assets, and your guests. While renters don’t own their home, in many instances they can still be responsible if someone is injured in their home and they need liability coverage. Landlords aren’t usually responsible for your personal property either. That property can add up to a hefty price if it needs to be replaced because of a fire or theft. Schedule personal property to ensure your big ticket items are not overlooked by coverage limits. Pay attention to limits and schedule the big stuff!
Home insurance protects your home, your stuff, you, your assets, and your guests. In many instances, our homes are one of the most expensive things we own. And, if you have a mortgage, you can bet your lender requires home insurance. When considering how much coverage to put on your home and all your belongings in your home, consider the dollar figure it would take to replace or rebuilt it all. When it comes to protecting your personal property, you might consider scheduling some individually to ensure that your big ticket items are not overlooked by coverage limits. Pay attention to limits and schedule the unique stuff! Home owners should also understand their liabilities. Home insurance coverage is there to protect you if you’re found liable for injury caused by an accident on your covered premises and more.
Life insurance can serve many purposes including: replacing lost income, paying off a home mortgage or business loan, allowing your family to maintain a standard of living, paying off credit cards, auto loans and other debts, final expenses, estate planning, college funding, and more upon the passing of the covered person. One of the most common myths about life insurance is cost. Life insurance is super affordable for young, healthy folks. It’s best to not delay this important coverage.
Bundling with Clever is the best way to ensure you have the coverage you need and get the most savings. If you bundle auto, renters, and life, you’ll enjoy our Top Dog Discount that includes coverages like pet medpay, auto chip repair, and emergency road service. If you bundle two lines, you’ll receive our Big Dog Discount and save on your premium!